Pamela Bensoussan has over 35 years’ experience in the world of decorative and fine arts. Her career highlights include a ten-year residence in Paris where she operated a gallery on the Left Bank and consulted for a major Parisian auction house and an art investment firm in Switzerland. In the US, Pamela Bensoussan owned and operated galleries in San Francisco and San Diego. She’s authored numerous articles and lectured on topics ranging from Oriental rugs in Renaissance Painting to Appraising New Deal (WPA) art, presented at the 2019 ASA Connoisseurship Conference in Santa Fe, NM.
In 2008 Ms. Bensoussan was elected to the Chula Vista City Council in San Diego County and served two terms ending in 2016. While active on the Council, she provided leadership for the creation and implementation of an Arts Master Plan for the City of Chula Vista.
Pamela is accredited by the American Society of Appraisers as a Senior Appraiser in the Personal Property discipline (since 2003) with additional credentials in Fine Arts and Oriental Carpets and is an Accredited Member of the International Society of Appraisers. She also holds an accreditation in Appraisal Review and Management (ARM) with ASA. Her areas of expertise include Fine Art, Oriental Carpets, European, Asian, and American furniture, decorative arts, textiles, and tapestries. She served terms as president of the San Diego ASA Chapter and the Houston ASA Chapter. Pamela earned a Certified Forensic Litigation Consultant designation from the Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA) in 2018. At the International Conference of the American Society of Appraisers (New York, August 2019) she received the Member of the Year award for 2018/2019.
Email Pamela for information or appointment. Links to Curriculum Vitae and Fee Schedule and Privacy Statement
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Georgie Stillman began her career in London in the early seventies where she worked as a Valuation Specialist for a firm of Chartered Accountants; she returned to the US, where she founded Georgie Stillman Appraisal Service in San Diego in 1978.
Georgie was an Accredited Senior Appraiser of the American Society of Appraisers and Life Member, certified in Antiques and Decorative Arts and Residential Contents. She held multiple leadership positions in the ASA organization beginning in 1978, including four terms as San Diego Chapter President, International Board of Examiners (1979-80), four terms State Deputy Director ASA (1983–2006), Co-Chair ASA regional seminars (1988-90) and Personal Property IC Education Program Facilitator (2002).
Georgie was a Founding Direct and International Board Member of the International Society of Appraisers (ISA) and was honored by ISA with an Outstanding Service Award (1980-85). She was awarded a Life Membership for Outstanding Service to the Appraisal Profession by the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) in 2006. Georgie taught and wrote many courses on appraisal methodology and has published numerous articles on antiques and the appraisal profession. She lectured on many topics including antique silver– she was a nationally recognized silver expert, featured frequently over the years on radio and television. She prepared appraisals for many high-profile clients and high worth collections for Estate and Divorce purposes. Additionally, she had a long career consulting and testifying as a forensic expert witness in California courts.